This year, I enjoy a way more the stuffing than the typical Easter cake. Maybe I need to compensate my past sweet years by something salty. So, I prepared the stuffing with my mom. It is traditional, quite easy and tastes great.
4 white rolls
4 dark rolls
about a cup of meat broth
400 g of pork meat
400 g of smoked meat
8 eggs, separate yolks from whites
salt, pepper, a pinch of ginger and mixed herbs
Fresh herbs: nettles, spring onion, parsley (about 3 handfuls)
50 g of butter, softened
cut the rolls, put it into large bowl and pour in the meat broth
cut the meat and add some pepper
scald the nettle, put it into a bowl and cut fresh herbs
mix yolks and butter, add herbs, salt, pepper and the rest of spices
whip the whites with a pinch of salt, it has a better texture
In conclusion, mix all of the ingredients together, just egg whites must be the last. Put into baking dish and bake at 150 degrees for 45-60 minutes.
TIP: Over the night, you can put the rolls and broth together and let it rest ... and spices have also no limits, just as nothing happens when you prefere chicken
Ideally, make fresh salad and serve it with hot stuffing. Fresh and light spring lunch.
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