Oct 9, 2014


Brazilian cuisine is full of delicious meals. When I tried acai, I immediately loved it. As everyone who ever visited Brazil. It is super healthy, so your body will thank you for that! 

Acai is a great example of what is healthy can also be good. This superfood is full of antioxidants. Acai is processed into such a cream (with a consistency like an ice cream) but does not contain any milk. You can add different ingredients on the top, like nuts, fruits, chantilly, which is a cream that reminds me of Czech whipped cream and other goodies. It is also called black gold.

acai with chantilly, strawberries, banana, chocolate and biscuit - and of course granola and condensed milk

acai with banana, nuts, granola and condensed milk

this is my first acai ever - I immediately liked chantilly!

the combination of banana and kiwi is nicely refreshing

Why is acai so healthy? 

contains vitamins A, B, C and E, magnesium, zinc, calcium and other minerals 

increases metabolism and immunity 

accelerates regeneration 

has much more nutrients and vitamins than any other fruit

grapes are really popular in Brazil, they made even juice out of those red ones

and if you do not like condensed milk (which I will never understand) you can have acai with honey

I am able to eat acai every day, since it is very hot and this cold yummy thing is really the best. Basically everyone in our international group has loved it. I did not even like condensed milk before but it makes a great combination with acai. It is so much better than other Brazilian food! Seriously. 

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