Apr 18, 2013


From time to time, I like to bake an American apple pie. In addition, I love the combination of dough and sweet apple filling that smells of cinnamon and vanilla sugar. The recipe for the dough is fast and reliable.

3 cups of fine flour
100 g of butter
100 g of lard
half a teaspoon of salt
5 tablespoons of cold water

1 egg for the top

about 5-6 large apples
200 g of sour cream
half a cup of sugar
1 vanilla sugar
one vanilla pudding powder
cinnamon to taste
rum (to taste :)
1 tablespoon of fine flour
possibly raisins and walnuts

For the dough, put all ingredients in a bowl and mix properly with hands. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes. Then, take 2/3 of the dough and put it to the cake tin - on the bottom and on the sides.

Cut apples into thin slices and mix with remaining ingredients for filling. Make little holes with a fork and spread the top with whipped egg.

Bake it at 180 °C for 45 minutes.

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